Dziekan, Vince. <i>Virtuality and the Art of Exhibition. Curatorial Design for the Multimedial Museum.</i> Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2012.


  • Werner Schweibenz

Author Biography

Werner Schweibenz

Werner Schweibenz studied information science at the University of Saarland, Germany, and the University of Missouri in the United States. His Ph.D. thesis dealt with the transition of the traditional to the virtual museum. Since 2007, he works for MusIS - Museum Information System, Library Service Centre Baden-Wuerttemberg, University of Konstanz, Germany, supporting the State Museums of Baden-Württemberg in all fields of museum documentation. His special interest is in cultural portals, online exhibitions and social media.





How to Cite

Schweibenz, W. (2015). Dziekan, Vince. <i>Virtuality and the Art of Exhibition. Curatorial Design for the Multimedial Museum.</i> Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2012. Uncommon Culture, 6(11), 166–167. Retrieved from