All Our Yesterdays (1839 – 1939). Life Through the Lens of Europe’s First Photographers


  • Sofie Taes

Author Biography

Sofie Taes

Sofie Taes is an alumna of KU Leuven, where she graduated in musicology (Master, 2004) and Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Advanced Master, 2005). She worked as a research assistant at the Musicology Research Unit of KU Leuven (Alamire Foundation) and as a dramaturge at the Antwerp concert hall AMUZ, before embarking upon a new professional venture. Since March 2013 she has, on the one hand, joined the Institute for Cultural Studies (CS Digital) at KU Leuven as a research assistant (among others, collaborating on EuropeanaPhotography, Europeana Space and PHOTOCONSORTIUM). On the other hand, she has embarked on a trajectory as a dramaturge and head of communication at Jos van Immerseel’s period orchestra Anima Eterna Brugge. Sofie Taes is also active as a freelance writer on a variety of topics related to music, and has published a book tracing the steps of the early music movement in Flanders.




How to Cite

Taes, S. (2015). All Our Yesterdays (1839 – 1939). Life Through the Lens of Europe’s First Photographers. Uncommon Culture, 5(9/10), 188–191. Retrieved from



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